Personal Services
Landlord / Tenant
Whether you own a house that you are leasing out or you live in an apartment that you are renting from someone else, we can help you make sure that your rights are fully protected. Colorado has very specific state statutes and local ordinances that can dramatically affect the Landlord/Tenant relationship. If you are not familiar with these rules and regulations, it can be easy to run afoul of their constraints. If you have questions about your Landlord/Tenant relationship, give us a call.
Financial Matters
Have you run afoul of creditors, does someone owe you money for services rendered or is it time to explore the possibility of filing bankruptcy? We have experience in handling a wide range of personal financial legal matters and would be glad to consult with you on whatever matters you might be dealing with.
Pippenger Hedberg LLC is located on the corner of 17th and Market Street, in Denver's Lower Downtown District. Contact us or call (303) 665-8660 to schedule a free consultation.